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vitreous enamel iran price

vitreous enamel iran price

The art of Isfahan vitreous enamel iran price has no meaning without an enameling furnace. The structure of the furnaces is arched, square or rectangular, and its internal skeleton is steel. The reason for choosing steel material for the inner part of the enameling furnace is its heat transfer power and high resistance to it. For this purpose, they use No. 1 steel for the floor and No. 8 for the body, because the heat of the fire is stronger than the floor, and a better steel sheet should be used. Wholesale of Iranian handicrafts

vitreous enamel original Iranian

On the other hand, the body is made of steel and the environment is made in the form of a vacuum so that the heat can be transferred in a completely uniform way. The uniform transfer and movement of heat will add to the quality of the work of art. Isfahan backgammon enameling furnace is made with very high precision and sensitivity, for this reason, the quality of Isfahan enameling is different from anything you have ever seen. Due to the frequent use of the enamel furnace, its steel sheet is changed every 6 months Wholesale sale of Iranian backgammon

vitreous enamel Iranian

The surroundings of the vitreous enamel furnace are also covered with mud so that the heat inside the furnace is not wasted. This lid allows you to see inside while the colors are cooking and take out the enameled products at the right time. They also use pliers to move the oven door. The fuel of the enameling furnace is mostly provided by gas or electricity, which unlike the past use of wood or oil have lost their utility. He is considered the assistant of master enameller, they say vitreous enamel iran price . The time to remove the enamelware from the oven, how to place them on the plate after removal so that they do not change shape due to their flexibility, adjusting the duration of heat and the temperature required for each dish, all from experience. And they are skills fhciran shop carpets

vitreous enamel Iranian

The tools required for the furnace

To work with the vitreous enamel iran price furnace, a number of tools are needed. For example, special tools are needed to place the enamel plate in the furnace, take out and work with copper and clay objects, etc. By researching Isfahan’s enameling, you will realize that all these steps have a history of thousands of years and these experiences have been passed down from generation to generation. The tools required for firing in the blast furnace are


Working board : A flat iron board on which the enamel objects are placed to be taken into the furnace. Of course, sometimes they use a steel plate as a work board and put a wire frame under it. Usually, for better absorption of heat by enamelware, the work board is preheated. Today’s work board has replaced the fireproof cardboard of the past

Gas-shaped pliers: Gas-shaped pliers are used to move enameled dishes or lift heavy dishes from the work table

vitreous enamel

Pliers : Relatively large and very strong tongs are used to lift dishes from the work board or swing them

Rod : They use the rod to remove or insert the work board. The rods for the enameling furnace have a wooden handle section, an iron rod of 1 to 1.3 meters, and an opening to attach the work board and the rod together. Sometimes, instead of a rod, masters of firework in vitreous enamel iran price use 80 to 90 cm long tongs

vitreous enamel Iranian

Furnace and wind generating motor : These tools are used in oil and gas furnaces to create wind and spread the flame evenly all around. There is no need for these devices in electric ovens

Stone plate : A stone plate is a tool on which the enameled dishes that have been removed from the furnace are placed. The containers that come out may be intact or warped

Masks or glasses for firework : Masks or glasses with opaque and smoked glass should be used to protect the eyes and skin from the heat, otherwise, over time, it will seriously weaken the eyes and burn the skin

Clothes : Enamel clothes are fireproof and heat resistant. These clothes cover all parts of the body

Fireproof gloves : Because when inserting enamelware into the vitreous enamel iran price furnace, a part of the hand up to the elbow goes into the furnace, long and fireproof gloves must be worn

vitreous enamel Iranian

vitreous enamel iran price ON POTTERY

The history of vitreous enamel iran price on pottery in today’s professional form goes back to this contemporary era. At a time when the ever-increasing price of copper has made it difficult for some people to buy enamelware on copper, the artists of Laljin Hamedan, which is also known as the world city of pottery, started an interesting initiative and creativity. The origin of the art of enameling on potteryIt made these well-patterned dishes with a very beautiful and pleasant appearance to be used for decorative purposes. What is the working method of this type of enamel art? The basis of this method is stenciling and then using special enamel colors on pottery and black pen to demarcate different designs. Let’s make art

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Of course, we have mentioned many times in various sources in previous articles that the historical background and age of the art of enameling is valuable; As much as it goes back to about four thousand years ago. Undoubtedly, the enamel art works that were performed in the past 4 centuries did not have the charms of today. The art of enameling on copper metal is specific to the city of Isfahan, and of course, this art is followed in different forms in different regions of Iran


Which city does vitreous enamel iran price belong to

The originality of the art of vitreous enamel iran price that is done on copper is considered to belong to the city of Isfahan, which is currently the best-selling type and has an active export. However, the purchase of enamel inlaid work is not limited to enameling on copper and also includes enameling on pottery, the originality and privilege of which belongs to the city of Laljin, Hamadan

The tasteful artists of this city have been kept alive and are sold at a very reasonable price. By learning the art of enameling through various workshops and with the cooperation of the cultural heritage organization of the whole country, fortunately the art of enameling in the cities of Shiraz, Tehran, Qom, Gilan , Zanjan, Kashan, etc. On the one hand, this expansion will contribute to its prosperity and not to be forgotten, and on the other hand, the integration of the culture and ethnicity of each region in the works of enamel painting will add authenticity to its diversity

vitreous enamel original Iranian

enamel paint

What are the types of vitreous enamel iran price art colors? The colors used in enameling are divided into vegetable colors, mineral colors and chemical colors. Today, vegetable and mineral colors are not used much, and the history of their use goes back to several hundred years ago. Today, mostly chemical colors are used, and the Isfahan handicraft store uses the best type of enamel powder paint. What are the types of enamel art tools? Usually, the tools used for enamel art include mortar, enamel material, hammer, anvil, clamps, hacksaw, brush, chemical colors, furnace, some chemicals such as silica and sodium and potassium carbonate along with lime, tin and They are lead. Isfahan’s enamel work is performed on different surfaces, so you can search for various works in the market

The raw materials of enamel art are rooted in the history of this art. Enamel is applied on glazed metal surfaces and on clay surfaces. On the other hand, the types of special colors for enameling should be prepared in raw or mixed form and then used to perform attractive designs. The color and design of Isfahan’s Turquoise Inlaying and arts have a special attraction for Iranian art lovers. Therefore, Isfahan’s art products have been exhibited in museums inside and outside the country for people


vitreous enamel iran price ON COPPER

vitreous enamel iran price on copper is an art that is done at the highest level of quality and in a very professional manner in Isfahan, and it is very different from other cities in Iran. A prominent and famous example is Morteza Esmaili enameling as the best enameling brand on copperIt is in Iran. In the section, what are the types of enamel art methods, we mentioned different methods, all of which are done on copper

The artists who have worked on enamel art works in the contemporary decade have changed the roles and designs a lot; What we know today as the enamel art of Isfahan is the result of master enamel work in the past century. Now you will simply understand the importance and identity of these Handicrafts and you will also give a suitable answer to the question of what is Isfahan enameling. The art of enameling on copper is well known to Iranian handicraft enthusiasts. Due to its artistic background, the quality of production of enamelware in Isfahan city is very high and famous artists are working in this city

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