Turquoise Inlaying original
Turquoise Inlaying original art is a combination of copper and turquoise stone. It is an art that is used to decorate jewelry, vases, candlesticks, plates and various dishes, which in addition to its artistic value and beauty, also has significant material value. Both because of working on a copper or brass substrate (often copper), and because of the presence of turquoise stone. Firouze Kobi , Isfahan, nut products, sweets, chocolate, Sembaldan, Sengab, Tang, Sarahi vase, Kandan, water pitcher, hookah, copper products, Firouze Tangi, Sanbeldan, chocolates Wholesale of Iranian handicrafts
The age of Turquoise Kobi art is not long and it goes back to about 60 or 70 years ago and it is one of the few handicrafts that does not have a long history. Today, the most important and main center of turquoise production, like many other handicrafts, is the city of Isfahan
In the production of turquoise products, laying the substrate and work area has an important role, and its flawlessness is as important as placing the turquoises correctly, and it must be done correctly, otherwise it may be damaged during various steps. The metal used must be uniform and have the same thickness in all parts. The parts where the turquoise pieces are placed should be about 2 to 3 mm lower than the rest of the parts. The background of Kubi turquoise dishes or ornaments can be made of copper, brass, silver, Warsaw or bronze, which is mainly copper. Firozeh store, Kobi, Isfahan, turquoise copper products Wholesale sale of Iranian backgammon
The used Turquoise Inlaying original is mostly unusable small pieces of turquoise that are collected and purchased from turquoise workshops or turquoise mines in Mashhad and Neyshabour. Related words: Firouze store, Kobi, Isfahan, nut products, sweets, chocolate, Sambaldan, Sengab, Tang, Sarahi vase, Kandan, Water jug, Hookah spray
Small pieces of turquoise are placed next to each other on the desired surfaces with special precision and elegance. At the stage of placing the turquoise on the desired surface, it is very important that the size of the selected turquoise fits the desired surface
Putting Turquoise Inlaying original pieces together on dishes or ornaments is done by means of walnut varnish, which softens when heated and the artist can stick the turquoises to it. The artist needs a lot of precision and patience to put the turquoise pieces together because the more precisely the pieces of turquoise are placed together, the more uniform the size and the less empty space between them, the higher the value and price fhciran shop carpets
After finishing the installation stage of the turquoises, the surface of all of them is made uniform by sanding stone and the work is done. At this stage, the turquoise color of the stones becomes evident. The surface of the turquoise is worked on the same level as the container or substrate, and the metal part of the work is completely clean and transparent from the pollution and darkness that occurred during the work. Finally, the work surface is covered with a layer of polyester both for protection and for further polishing. Handicrafts store in Isfahan
The art of turquoise painting, like many other handicrafts, often has a decorative aspect. However, due to the fact that this art is performed on different dishes, in addition to ornaments, it has also gained a consumer aspect
In addition to the decorative aspect and enhancing the environment of your home and workplace, the turquoise dishes of Kobe can also be a kind of visual source. Because blue color is the dominant color in these products and psychologically, blue color is a source of peace due to the coldness and manifestation of sea and sky. Looking at the enchanting blue color of these dishes can evoke a sense of satisfaction and peace in you. The energizing and relaxing properties of turquoise are not hidden to anyone. Related words: Firouze store, Turquoise Inlaying original, Isfahan, nuts, sweets, chocolate, Sembaldan, Sengab, Tang, Sarahi vase, Kandan, water pitcher, hookah, Copper products, Firouze, Tangi, Sanbeldan, chocolate
How to Turquoise Inlaying original copper products
When the copper products are Turquoise Inlaying original, a layer of polyester is stretched over them at the end of the work. However, we must consider and observe some things in their maintenance and care so that they have a longer life
Among the points of maintenance and care of copper and copper products, the most important point is to prevent impact and damage to copper and copper containers. Impact and change of form is the main cause of deterioration of copper crafts
Other important things that damage copper utensils and reduce their life span are
Use mild detergents and soft cotton towels to clean and wash these dishes
Strong chemical detergents may damage the surface of the copper and processed product as well as its processed part
If you want to put various foods or drinks in these containers, be careful not to leave acidic and sour foods or drinks in them for a long time
Do not use rough Scotches, dishwashing wire and any other harsh tools to clean these dishes
If you use some of these products, such as Mes Pardaz sweets or Mes and Pardaz bars, for receptions at parties, make sure that their processed parts are more sensitive. As a result, be careful for these parts and prevent them from hitting or colliding with other objects
Suitable packaging for products
Not only the products, but also if you want to store Turquoise Inlaying original in the warehouse, closet, etc. for a long time, it is recommended to pack them properly. At the time of packing, try to cover all the surface of the product well with newspaper, pieces of backgammon, cloth, etc. to prevent scratching and damage to the surface of the product. Of course, if the handicrafts you buy have strong and durable packaging, your work will be much easier
Be careful in buying copper and copper
It is necessary to consider some points when buying handicraft products and handicraft products in general. If the quality of the handicrafts you buy is not good, you have basically wasted your money and maintaining it may be a futile task. High quality both in the raw materials and in the manufacturing of the product makes it easier to maintain it in the future
Export of copper and Turquoise Inlaying original
Turquoise Inlaying original dishes can be considered one of the most popular types of handicraft products, which, in addition to certain uses, have beauty and a beautiful appearance. These characteristics have made it possible to attract the attention of many foreign traders and merchants in addition to the domestic market, and the export market of all kinds of copper vessels to various countries, including neighboring countries and the Persian Gulf, has become prosperous. One of the ways to attract customers abroad is to set up handicraft exhibitions in foreign countries. These exhibitions make people from other countries get to know more about our handicrafts and gradually become pro-Pakuri customers and fans. That is why we are always trying to achieve this goal
Domestic market of Turquoise Inlaying original and Pardaz
The market for the sale of all kinds of Turquoise Inlaying original and copper products can be considered one of the most popular types of handicraft products in our country. This type of dishes has been widely accepted by our art-loving people due to its unique characteristics such as high quality, durability, beauty and decorative aspect. These characteristics have made the market for the sale of Mesi Pardaz dishes to be very favorable and prosperous and the demand for it is increasing. Henerlux Collection is proud to be one of the active players in the field of brassware, which sells all kinds of brassware in order to help buyers choose quality products. Dear customer, if you have any questions or doubts about buying these containers inside or outside the country, you can contact our sales department in the contact section and ask your questions
Painting on Turquoise Inlaying original
The types of copper painting arts are: Turquoise Inlaying original
enameling and poetry painting , etc. You probably know the art of enameling because this art is very old, about 5000 years. But artistry and poetry, which are considered to be the children of Mina’s art, are the new copper painting. These arts were so well received by the people that it is not thought that they are a new and emerging art, but we think that it is an art of several hundred years
Drawing on copper
If you look carefully at the handicraft vessels that are in the copper painting group, you will notice the difference in their design, in most of them, flowers or birds (the same as chicken) are used. Designs painted on copper vessels can be imitations or the result of creativity and innovation of an artist
Painting color on copper
The colors used in these three groups are different from each other. In enameling, the colors are usually brighter. Both light and dark colors are used in Mes and Pardaz, and the colors of the Tashir group are more towards the dark side, and golden color is used a lot
Maybe you have a question, why did they choose this name for the poetry group? In response, it should be said that Tashir is a term and a method in Iranian gilding and painting or painting that is used in the arrangement of books or pieces of calligraphy and miniatures and patches. In poetry, the margins of the pages are decorated with animal, chicken, flower and plant motifs. Colors are limited in poetry and gold color is often used a lot