Handicrafts – FHC Iran

Art could only be found among Iranians

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persian pictorial carpet

persian pictorial carpet

One of the most beautiful devices used in modern decoration design is the persian pictorial carpet. Carpets are carpets that are designed for beauty and home decoration. Therefore, they are framed like carpets and placed on the wall, they are called carpets. Carpets have been used to decorate different parts of the house since long ago. Therefore, the carpet is not a new decorative device and has its roots in the history and civilization of Iranians. The country of Iran is one of the largest producers of carpets in the world and it is the best and most expensive hand-woven Carpet of Iran

persian pictorial carpet

In general, we have two types of carpets. A machine-woven carpet that is woven by a machine and a hand-woven persian pictorial carpet that is woven by a hand-weaver

Most people with different tastes are delighted to see the beautiful art of Iranian carpets. Therefore, the carpet can play an important role in the decoration of your home

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There are many beautiful Iranian carpets in world museums

Iranian carpets have many fans, and a number of carpets can be seen in every person’s home

The popularity of carpets among the people has caused many housewives to learn how to weave persian pictorial carpet and weave carpets with desired patterns in their free time for their homes or as a profession to earn money. Iran has the top rank of the most expensive carpets in the world

Machine rugs are woven very quickly. But hand-woven silk carpet take more time to weave. For this reason, they are more expensive than machine-made carpets

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How to maintain a hand-woven persian pictorial carpet

Important points that you should pay attention to when buying a handmade persian pictorial carpet

Hand-woven persian pictorial carpet have a much higher price than machine-made carpets. Therefore, you must have information about handwoven persian pictorial carpet before buying. This information can prevent your possible loss and buy the best type of carpet in terms of quality and beautiful texture

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When buying a carpet, pay attention to the carpet map. Always try to choose well-designed and beautiful carpets. These carpets will increase in value and price over time, and their designs will always be modern
Pay special attention to the type of thread and weft of the carpet

pictorial carpet price

Carpets whose warp and weft are woven from silk thread. They have a higher price and their beauty is very striking and stunning. And the eye of every viewer will be captivated by its beauty. If you don’t have any financial problems, choose this type of carpet

pictorial carpet price

Always try to pay attention to the back of the carpet both when buying a carpet and in order to buy a carpet. The back of the carpet is indicative of many defects of the carpet and makes them visible

Pay attention to the size of the knots on the back of the carpet. The finer the knots and the more unbroken, the higher the value of the pictorial carpet
Make sure that the knots are woven in a uniform line and not in a crooked line

persian pictorial carpet

Although it may not show itself on the carpet, this means a mistake in the texture of the persian pictorial carpet
Be sure to pay attention to the map of the carpet. The design of both sides of the carpet should be similar. This point is more about old hand-woven carpets than the subjective texture
Always try to buy unframed rugs. Because the carpets that are woven crookedly are not clear in the frame. If you separate the carpet and put it on top of each other and place its edges on top of each other, it should not be too much or too little

pictorial carpet price

If it is less or more, it means that the carpet is woven crookedly
The most important step in carpet painting is the step after weaving, that is, the step of finishing the carpet. In the process of paying, the extra threads on the carpet are cut with a special machine and all the threads of the carpet are removed equally

pictorial carpet price

If this step is not done correctly, the price of the carpet will be reduced
Be sure to pay attention to the material of the frame. Royal wooden frames usually have a higher price and quality. Fiberglass frames look like wood. But with the slightest impact, their paint will fall and the frame may break

pictorial carpets

Methods of cleaning and maintaining handwoven persian pictorial carpet

It is essential to prevent the handwoven persian pictorial carpet from getting dirty. But in any case, the carpets will get dirty and need to be cleaned. The dirtiness of the carpet reduces its appearance and beauty

pictorial carpet price

Cleaning hand-woven carpets is a very sensitive task due to their high price and value
If they are washed with strong chemicals, it is possible that the carpet colors will mix. If they are not rinsed well, parts of the handmade carpet will stain yellow

persian pictorial carpet

Vacuum the persian pictorial carpet from time to time. This will make the carpet less dirty
In the old days, to remove ruby ​​dust from the carpet, they used a stick to gently hit the back of the carpet, and with this, the carpet dust was removed
Use cold water when washing the carpet. Cold water prevents the color from returning to the carpet
Never use alkaline detergents to wash handwoven carpets. The best material for washing carpets is carpet shampoo and hand powder
Never tumble-dry the hand-woven carpet after washing. This will cause the color of the carpet to return and create brown spots on the carpet. First, completely drain the water from the carpet. And dry the piles of the carpet with a towel or a clean cloth that does not return color

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In the last step, place the carpet face down in the open air and away from direct sunlight to dry completely. Be sure to brush the carpet’s bristles with a soft brush in the direction of the carpet’s sleep after the carpet is dry. This makes the carpet more beautiful. This washing method can be used for all types of hand-woven carpets, even the most expensive hand-woven persian pictorial carpet

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persian pictorial carpet fiber dyeing

 Carpet dyeing can definitely be introduced as one of the most important options that can add beauty and a special effect to handwoven carpets. The principles of dividing the types of colors in dyeing are very different

pictorial carpet price

Knowing the color of handwoven carpet dyeing

In determining the color of persian pictorial carpet dyeing, attention should be paid to the type of fibers used in the carpet texture

In fact, it is the type of fiber that determines for us what kind of color is needed for our work and what dyeing technique we should use for it

The fibers obtained from animals and their origin is natural, such as wool and silk, have a protein structure that is divided into two categories and groups,  acidic  and   basic

Carpet panel

Acidic and alkaline

When you use fibers with this structure, it is natural to connect colors to their molecules, you must use colors that have a similar structure and specific to them

But when you use synthetic fibers for the texture of your persian pictorial carpet, so that the dyeing color of the carpet is attached to your synthetic fibers (polyolefins and hydrocarbons)

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In the following, both types of carpet dyeing colors, i.e. natural and synthetic colors, will be examined

Traditional dyeing process

Carpets are dyed according to age with three methods

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Direct dyeing

The direct method is one of the oldest methods for dyeing carpet fiber and thread

They use the direct method to prepare purple dyes from purple and violet skin and indigo fiber dyeing methods

pictorial carpets

Stabilizing dye

In this method, wool is first prepared using special salts

This is done because the dye can bind to the wool

The stabilizers used for this are copper, tin, iron and aluminum salts

In fact, the type of these stabilizers determines the intensity of the color

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bent dye

Indigo dyes were discovered in the third and fourth millennium BC

Dyeing fibers with indigo can be considered as an example of dyeing fibers by bending method

In this method, the blue color insoluble in the water of the indigo plant is removed during the fermentation process

Oxidation causes the blue dye to turn into a yellow dye in water

Then they pour the color inside the bend and put the wool in it

After the rose color removes the wool from the bend, the color of the wool changes again and becomes indigo-blue, and the reason for this is the re-oxidation of the dye

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 Natural colors in handwoven persian pictorial carpet dyeing

In general, the natural models used in carpet dyeing are divided into 3 general categories, vegetable colors, animal colors and metallic colors

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vegetable dyes

Plant colors are considered the first and definitely the best color among carpet dyeing colors, these colors are obtained from natural plants, the most important of which are; persian pictorial carpet , walnut skin, indigo, hair leaf, pomegranate skin. In a way, the use of these colors can have a direct effect on the selling price of the carpet

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Animal dyeing color

Among the animals and insects, there is a special species called red seed, which is used to produce dyes for various purposes, from the clothing industry and the production of dyes for fabric, yarn, clothes, leather, and even in the production of food products such as sausages, sausages, Drinks and

In Iran, we know red color as lacquer, which has different types, Mediterranean, Polish, vermilion cream, Indian red color, Mexican red color, etc

pictorial carpets

Metallic dyeing color

The last natural option used in carpet dyeing is metallic colors. These colors are obtained from metal compounds and have a very beautiful effect

In these colors, metal compounds are used that exist naturally, such as iron oxide (yellow and red ochre), yellow lead oxide (dead stone), azure blue, Prussian blue

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Teaching dyeing and different types of colors in carpets

Getting to know the types of colors in the persian pictorial carpet

Primary colors: It is known as primary colors (blue-yellow and red)

Secondary colors: It is obtained from the combination of primary colors (from blue + yellow = green – from red + yellow = orange and from the combination of blue and red = purple)

Tertiary colors: It is obtained from the combination of primary colors with secondary colors, which produces a variety of pale and bold colors and harmony of colors

persian pictorial carpet

Dyeing wool and silk fibers

Chemical or synthetic or volatile color (it has an ink and chrome color and is of artificial and dental origin. This color is easy to prepare, cheap and of little value

Natural color has a natural origin that is found in nature (in plant-animal and metallic types) and is durable, expensive and valuable

To use animal colors, purple snails are also used to obtain purple color

pictorial carpets in dubai

Metallic color: azure blue and iron oxide. . . which is discovered in mines and used for dyeing

Plant color: diverse and beautiful, which we refer to as examples

Ronas: 3-year-old and 7-year-old persian pictorial carpet plant is taken from the root, and brick color to dark red can be obtained from this plant

Walnut skin: cream-camel and brown colors can be obtained, and black persian pictorial carpet, black color can be prepared

Hair leaves: to prepare yellow color and grass colors, garlic green and lemon yellow

Pomegranate skin: dark yellow to brownish and sometimes gray, black, yellow, yellow-orange, cream and mouse colors are used

persian pictorial carpet

Other natural colors

persian pictorial carpet: Its red color is used to prepare purple and red colors

persian pictorial carpet : from the lower skin of the fruit of the oak tree, which is used to prepare yellow, camel and brown colors

Nile: It grows in the tropical regions of the south of the country and is used to prepare blue, green, navy blue, blue, and persian pictorial carpet dyes

Saffron: It is cultivated in persian pictorial carpet and it is used to prepare yellow color and it is very expensive for dyeing

pictorial carpet price

Black mulberry: It is used to prepare purple and red dyes

Straw and straw: It is used to prepare yellow color

Sumac: It is used to prepare tan to brown colors

persian pictorial carpet: It is prepared for the preparation of blue color

Cherry: It is used to make red color

Note: Temperature regulation plays a very important role in dyeing

persian pictorial carpet


The outer shell or scales of wool directly affects the absorption of color with its permeability

Certain chemicals and mechanical operations can weaken and destroy this shell. With the disappearance of these scales, the speed of color penetration into the fibers increases

This experience shows that dyes do not show a tendency to be absorbed in wool and other fibers without the presence of another factor. In the term of dyeing, this agent is called “tooth” and the act of impregnating with this solution is called “toothing

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Now, instead of using only one metal salt as a tooth, we repeat the previous experiment in several different bends containing copper sulfate, nickel chloride, aluminum sulfate, and potassium bichromate with a single color. It can be seen that after the dyeing process, each of the coils get a different color, which indicates that the grains are not only effective in the absorption and stability of the colors, but also their type has an effect on the quality and brightness of the colors

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A tooth that is mostly used in dyeing carpet fibers. It is a double salt of aluminum and potassium with the brand name “persian pictorial carpet Alum
Note: One of the factors of using cream de tartar is to increase the shine and transparency of wool fibers

persian pictorial carpet

persian pictorial carpet dyeing color with synthetic structure

In general, synthetic models used in carpet dyeing are divided into 2 general categories, aniline dyes and chrome dyes

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Two main reasons for the popularity of artificial colors

Their cheap price, which can reduce the total price of the persian pictorial carpet

Knowing the ease of dyeing using these colors

These two types of carpet dyeing colors (aniline and chrome) have their own specifications and characteristics, which we will review for you respectively

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aniline dye

The use of aniline dyes can definitely be seen as a betrayal of the carpet weaving industry in Iran, which unfortunately, after many years, are easily used to dye yarn and creams

The main materials for which aniline is used are all kinds of red colors, since the natural material used for red materials is persian pictorial carpet, which is not easily obtained and has a high price, the use of aniline replaces it. has been

pictorial carpet price


Although by using aniline for carpet dyeing, you reduce the speed and cost of the work significantly, but you should also pay attention to the fact that you are reducing the quality of the work

These dyes react significantly to sunlight and lose their color, and this is also true of alkaline detergents

In general, if you intend to make the quality of the cream in the carpet, the thread in the cloth and clothes, use this color

persian pictorial carpet

Chromium dyeing color

This type of carpet dyeing, if done with sufficient skill, can produce much better results than persian pictorial carpet dye, but it is still considered to be chemical dyes and does not have the characteristics of natural dyes

Due to the simultaneous use of a substance called potassium persian pictorial carpet, chrome colors have more stability and durability than albino color, and over time you will experience a uniform and stable color, but it still has one big drawback

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The use of chrome colors makes your handmade carpet look like a work of art and gives new carpets a metallic look, and for old carpets, this becomes old and dead colors

persian carpet

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