Persian Backgammon Set
Persian Wholesale backgammon Set is one of the most beautiful inlaid products of Araman Gallery , which will give you the pleasure of a pleasant game. The art of inlaying consists of regular and colorful polygons that are drawn on different surfaces (backgammon, etc.)
and by creating a geometric or mosaic-like or triangular shape, it creates a regular pattern and an attractive, beautiful and eye-catching effect. Combining the art of Persian Backgammon Board Set with all kinds of dishes and even games makes them a more attractive image. In the following, we introduce the inlaid backgammon board and its features; Stay with us
Khatam backgammon features
This backgammon inlaid work is made of high quality wood and is beautifully decorated using Khatam art. Persian Khatam backgammon board Set artists have given this backgammon board a pleasant and eye-catching shape in the best way. In the following, we discuss the features of this backgammon board
The liner is glued behind the cut-outs of the seal with a high-quality adhesive
In this product, flowers created with polygons whose sides are higher than 6 are used
Complex, hard and non-repetitive designs are used in its role
The triangles in the design of this board are small
Bone and metal wires have been used a lot in the small part
The surface of the inlay is uniform, Persian inlaidwork backgammon Set and the elegance of the cut and the harmony and balance of the designs have been respected
Straight and stretched knots have been used
The lower surface of the polished part on the seal is completely uniform and without abnormalities
Khatam backgammon game
Persian Modern backgammon price Set is a two-person game in which each player moves between the twenty-four triangles, which are the points of the game, by rolling the dice and according to the number shown
This game is a mixture of strategy, counting and luck. Although the numbers on the dice are completely random, knowing the rules of the game will have a great impact on your success. With each roll of the dice, players move their dice, which gives them the ability to predict the opponent’s possible countermoves
In the modern backgammon persian Handicrafts, each player has 15 pieces that have a different color from the other side. The main goal of this game is for both sides of the game to move all 15 pieces from the board and remove them from the board space. Whichever side gets all the pieces out first will win the game. By using this board, you can not only enjoy your game, but also let others know the beauty of your Khatam backgammon board
How to buy Khatam Persian Backgammon Set
You can buy Khatam Chess Board Persian Backgammon Set to play in many places and enjoy it easily, without leaving home and as soon as possible by using the Araman Store website. Araman store site brings you the best quality inlay and handicraft products in the shortest time and at the lowest price. You can get the handicrafts and products you need from this online store without having to pay extra. Our main goal is to serve and satisfy our customers
Chidino Art Group is a subsidiary of Avesta Handicrafts, which produces all kinds of inlaid backgammon, miniature, shekar and polo, gilded, lily and Majnoon, Achaemenid and other styles, as well as a supplier of all kinds of wooden backgammon. and leather and… all over the country
Chidino is proud to deliver Iranian quality goods to consumers without intermediaries and with export quality. All backgammon boards have Avesta handicrafts warranty card
Chidino has 3 workshops for the production of backgammon, the first workshop is the production stage of the backgammon board and its inlay, the second workshop is where Isfahani artists paint on the backgammon boards, and the third workshop, where the last stage is carried out, is the poly workshop. Estering is on the Persian Backgammon Set
The backgammon board and the Khatam chess board are made in the form of a box that should be opened and placed on a flat surface and prepared by arranging the pieces for an interesting mental activity. The length of this page is about 40 cm and it weighs about one and a half kilograms. The value of this work is due to its beautiful inlay, which is executed with great delicacy
Persian Backgammon For sale
Along with this product, there are 32 white and black backgammon pieces, which can be used considering that the inner part of this product is designed for playing backgammon. The beads are made of wood and are inlaid to match the backgammon board. The back part of the beads is covered with crimson suede velvet for more friction on the board
Archaeological excavations in the burnt city show that this game existed in Iran in 3000 BC
Backgammon is the oldest game in the world, which is very popular among the people of the Middle East and the people of Eastern Europe. In this game for two players, the parties move their pieces clockwise or counterclockwise based on the two numbers printed Persian Backgammon Set on the dice and finally remove them from the game board; In the end, the winner will be the player who removes all his pieces from the playing field first
Khatam backgammon board
To make the seal, first, long triangular strips of rice, approximately 30 cm long, are glued together, and then they are cut into 10 cm by 10 cm, then under the pressure of a heavy press machine, the strips are approximately It can be said that they are placed in the heart, and then the obtained seal, which is about 6 cm long, is cut into thin strips using a special saw, which results in a narrow seal strip
After that, the Persian Backgammon Set strips are glued on the desired product, which can be wood, brass, copper, or even iron sheet, and at the end, a layer of polyester is sprayed on the work to make the Khatam shiny and extend its life. Increase
Khatam Persian Backgammon Set price
The more and finer the triangles used in the inlay, the better the work will be. Persian Backgammon Set Inlays in which more copper metal is used will be of high quality due to the higher polish and strength
It is recommended to keep this container away from direct sunlight, heat from heating devices such as fireplaces, and humidity, and avoid contact with water and any polish