Handicrafts – FHC Iran

Art could only be found among Iranians

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inlaid work original Iranian

inlaid work original Iranian

A fake seal has no artistic or material value. As you can see, making a beautiful and accurate seal is very difficult. Maybe that’s why they named it inlaid work original Iranian , which means the end of Iranian art and elegance, but these days, Chinese and non-original products have entered the market, and it has had a bad effect on the work of artists who produce these artistic products with love and hard work Wholesale of Iranian handicrafts

inlaid work original Iranian

Lacquering of the seal in all its parts is one of the important features in identifying the fakeness of the product because it prevents air and moisture from penetrating into it and does not cause rotting

In Khatam, the triangles must be accurate, the same size and similar, and the smaller they are, the better the product

Accurate plastering is one of the most important steps in making the original seal

Using new and non-repetitive designs, or shapes that have more sides shows the quality of the Khatam product

inlaid work original Iranian has many patterns and flowers, the more beautiful, intricate and detailed the flowers are drawn, the higher the quality of the Khatam product. raises Wholesale sale of Iranian backgammon

inlaid work original Iranian

You may be deceived when buying inlaid work original Iranian

Possible deceptions when buying inlaid work original Iranian

It is not an authentic Iranian product and it is not produced with conventional materials

The product is copied and sold instead of the original product

The product is illegal and smuggled or has appropriate roles and meanings

Khatam art is used in making and producing various objects such as jewelry boxes, nutcrackers, candy canes, tissue boxes, clocks, candy canisters, etc. Many people use Khatam products in decoration fhciran shop carpets

inlaid work original Iranian

Problems facing the art of inlaid work original Iranian

One of the current problems of the Iranian handicrafts market and the art of inlaying is the entry of similar Chinese products into the market. These products, which do not have quality and originality, but have a similar appearance to the domestic products made by Iranian artists and are sold at a lower or similar price. This has caused frustration and stagnation in the domestic market. An artist who spends hours with love and passion to produce a product suddenly faces similar worthless and low-quality products in the market and all his plans and goals are inlaid work original Iranian we should ask the authorities to support local artists in any way they can. An artist who spends money on raw materials and earns a living by producing and selling handicrafts cannot compete with Chinese products, which are cheaper and of course of poor quality. The customer who cannot recognize the authenticity of the product only considers the price and may prefer the cheaper Chinese product to the original and high-quality product made by Iranian artists. Although this purchase, even at a lower price, is a loss both for the customer and for the domestic market of Iran, but when will we realize this loss? God is aware. While the Chinese authorities support their manufacturers and do not leave them alone, and this is surprising and unfortunate for us

inlaid work original Iranian

Officials’ support for handicrafts and inlaid work original Iranian

One of the ways that the authorities support domestic artists is their attention and determination to export. Necessary efforts and foundations should be made so that we can export handicrafts to other countries. Setting up exhibitions in other countries and introducing Iranian handicrafts such as backgammon original Iranian artefacts is one of the support that is expected from the authorities. But how much support has been done in this field

iranian arts and crafts

The impact of the dollar on inlaying and handicrafts

How much does a product cost an artist when raw materials must be procured considering the dollar price and currency fluctuations in the market? Since the dollar rate has not had a good effect on the production and export of handicrafts, the artist has to buy his raw materials in cash because of these fluctuations, and this is an economic pressure on his shoulders. Trying to help artists in providing raw materials by stabilizing the dollar rate and creating a safe economic platform is considered a support in this field

If you also have a suggestion or opinion in the field of solving the problems of handicraft artists and Khatamkari art, you can share it with us (in the contact section). If your suggestions or comments are approved by the management of our collection, we will add them to this list by mentioning your name so that they may be used and we can take steps together to promote Iranian art

iranian arts and crafts

History of inlaid work original Iranian

There are various traditions about the inventor and innovator of Handicrafts among the Khatam artists and artists, but what can be said is that it is not clear who invented Khatam for the first time. It is stated in the Persian encyclopedia: (The time of the beginning of this art is not known, and what is said about it is associated with legends. Some master sealers still believe that the art of seal making is the miracle of Prophet Abraham.) Egyptian artisans of this method like many other arts and crafts have been adapted from the Copts, several pieces and tablets on which mosaics were made with wood and bone were found in Ain al-Sirah near Cairo in the early Islamic era, and most of them are in the Museum of Islamic Crafts in Cairo Or there is the Berlin Museum, where one of the best examples of this industry is located in the Metropolitan Museum

Individual experiences of mystical beauty are much higher than the concept of art in its literal sense. The realization of the intuition of beauty from flowers and thorns is the discovery of that oneness with a faceless face, which is witnessed by the properties of the parents. Sitting in a landscape where God sits and watches the creatures from there and writes each one in the place of lines and dots and congratulates himself for their creation. Reaching an intuitive and intuitive purpose is higher than normal human views. It is to gain hearing and sight, which is from sitting in front of and being present and communicating (love) and connecting the beautified with the absolute beauty. From this point of view, all things are beautiful

Iranian handicrafts online store
in my two eyes, you are the one who is more beautiful than me
than the moon, because the moon shines brighter
in the garden, to break the honor of the flower
because you are more beautiful than a hundred gardens and flowers
Molavi has very important verses in the first book of the inlaid work original Iranian , and in them he expressed his opinion about the beauty of the universe (visual beauty, beautiful sounds, pleasant scents, etc.)
They make everything good and nice and beautiful
for the sake of seeing
who was the song, the tone and pitch
for the insensitive ear , the name of the
musk was not breathed in vain
, he felt it, he did not feel it

Iranian handicrafts online store

inlaid work original Iranian in ​​the story of old war, sensitivity He expresses himself in a beautiful and pleasant voice with the description of the old harpist in this way
The nightingale became helpless because of his song, you became
a songbird because of his good song, you became a singer because of
him, the world became full of songs like this. You were surprised by his voice

Iranian handicrafts online store

Maulvi praised beauty and showed great sensitivity to beauty, however, like Saadi, he gives originality to a beautiful character and not a beautiful face
so know that a good face does not
mix with bad features

inlaid work original Iranian

inlaid work original Iranian said that
the condition for distinguishing beauty from ugliness and truth from
untruth It is to clear the mirror of the heart from rust and turbidity. Do you know why your mirror is not concave? Because the rust is not distinguished by its appearance, remove the rust from your face. After that, realize that light, whoever has a clear heart


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